Thursday 21 April 2011


A month in Canada was wonderful but it is time to get some heat back into my body. Where to begin? With such limited net time I have only been able to do minor Facebook stuff. I'll start from the start.

The drive from home to the airport was OK; the time at the airport was a bit sombre and then as we were saying our goodbyes Belle had to go and get teary which got us all going. That's OK Belle, if it wasn't you it would have been dad.

Travelling with the Frasers made it easier. We eventually landed in Kelowna BC and had a huge celebration dinner with the Beaudry family and Sean and Blair. The next order of business was to get some snow time happening up at Big White. I was a bit rusty on skis to begin with but got into it quickly. The Canadian powder is just a little bit different to Australian conditions but there is no looking back. I went and stayed with Sean and Blair in the 'pigpen' condo that they were using to nurture many species of bacteria.

So it was skiing, drinking, sleeping and then doing it all again.

Eventually it was time to leave the mountain and head for Vancouver Island. It is a pretty little place but I must have a chat with my Uncle Nick to see what he did there for years.

Back to Vancouver and I was on my own for the first time. I got to stay with Mary Leathley and she was just lovely. I brought my skateboard wheels and trucks and I had promised the guys from Rayne that I would visit them and buy a board. I met with Mike at the Rayne Longboard shop in North Vancouver and we went over what I was looking for. I settled on the Hustler and to my surprise Mike and the Rayne team gifted me the board, a T-Shirt and an awesome Hoodie. I am now set up for transportation and ready to roll. I'll have to repay Rayne Longboards for their generosity by adding photos to my blog of my Husler and I at significant landmarks around the world. Video is not out of the question either.

After Vancouver I went to Banff and stayed in a hostel. I heard about a gig called "Couch Surfing" and ended up in Calgary with my couch family, a young couple.

We went Line Dancing which is an activity I have not done before - what a great night. We were in the bar that the Cool Runnings guys had the barfight in. It is so cold here. I skyped mum and dad and Belle and it was so cool to introduce them to my Couch parents. A couple of days on and I'm on my way to Amsterdam. I am ever grateful for everyone who was so hospitable and if I can ever do so I will be pleased to return the favour. Canada is very nice, very cold - and I'll be back.

Rayne Hustler


Group Shot - Big White
Breezy and I
Banff friends